Is it possible that objects can retain information about their owners and their lives or, in the case of buildings, events that took place there?
Also known as token-object reading or psychoscopy, the term "psychometry" (meaning measuring the soul) was invented by Joseph Rodes Buchanan in 1842. Psychometry is a form of psychic reading where the reader is said to be able to acquire information about another through physical contact with that person’s possessions or an event in history by touching a building that witnessed it.
Psychometrists believe that everyone and every living thing emits electromagnetic energy and it is this energy that they tap into to gather information. Objects, whether a family photo, a piece of jewellery, or an old castle wall, acquire the psychic energies emitted from people and events and that these psychic imprints remain in the object forever. Michael Talbot in his book The Holographic Universe, "suggest(s) that the past is not lost, but still exists in some form accessible to human perception." With the scientific knowledge that all matter on a subatomic level exists essentially as vibrations, Talbot asserts that consciousness and reality exist in a kind of hologram that contains a record of the past, present and future; psychometrics may be able to tap into that record. Sometimes these imprints can manifest as a residual haunting at other times these psychic impressions can be picked up as information.
As Psychometrists are said to be able to make links between an object, the history of which is unknown to the reader, and its history simply by touching or holding the object, Psychometry may be regarded is a form of extra-sensory perception and a method of scrying. Mrs. Hester Drowden, a famous medium, defined psychometry as "a psychic power possessed by certain individuals which enables them to divine the history of, or events connected with, a material object with which they come into close contact."
Supporters of psychometry believe objects have energy fields that can convey the knowledge of that object's history to the reader in the forms of images, sounds, smells, tastes even emotions. The psychic may be able to sense what the person was like, what they did, how the person felt at a particular time and even how they died.
Trying psychometry for yourself is easy however some believe the hand you use to get impressions from objects is very important. They feel that the dominant hand gives or relays information and that the non-dominant or receptive hand receives information. When trying psychometry practitioners believe you should pick up or touch the object you are using with your receptive hand as your dominant hand may inadvertently transmit an impression of yourself and that to get clear information the object should belong and have been worn only by one person.
The object should be something that the reader is not familiar with, one way of doing this if working in a group is for everyone to discreetly put an object of theirs in a bowl. Then everyone should take out an object that it is not their own with their receptive hands and hold the object until they receive an impression. The idea is to try and tune in to the vibrations emitted by the object, at first the images or feelings received may be vague or appear to have little relevance to the owner of the object. Members of the group can then either write down everything they see in their minds, thoughts, feelings even what they hear in their heads while holding the object and these can be returned to the object’s owner or take turns to describe their impressions verbally.
Feedback from the object’s owner is important as this is what helps to develop the reader’s skills and improvement is often just a case of practise.