What an interesting night, we want to go back and this is before we examine the taped evidence properly! So far on one handheld we have caught what appears to be someone coming down a staircase, only the staircase was gated off and the image was not picked up on the static camera covering the room. In the same room, one of our team heard a noise that made him jump, but he was on his own and there was no one in the next room. The evidence for this and his startled reaction to the noise is on film. Other team members reported sensing a 'busy man' pacing in the room.
Also caught on film are orbs that appeared on command while the team I was with were sitting on the darkened dance floor in the corner shown in the photo. Unlike dust or insect orbs these appear to eave trails behind them as they fly smartly upward from approximately the same point of origin before vanishing. Reflections and torches, none of which were on, have already been ruled out as cause of these light phenomena. The tripod for one of the static cameras is on the right of the photo.
It was while sitting here that I experienced two overlaying psychic images; one of feed or grain sacks stacked in a corner against a wall overlaid with the image of large wooden tools like an old fashioned horse pulled plough or possibly a carriage arm that links the carriage to the horse. These two images appeared to be on a loop with one of a broken stone wall with dark woodland beyond it. Another image, seen once, was of a high hedgerow in heavy green leaf next to a track, this occurred when another member of the team was calling out. My report of the two overlaying images will have been picked up on EVP. Later I was informed that that part of the building had at one time been a barn.
Later in the night the team I was with revisited the chapel. While standing within its walls and asking out one team member caught a m ist that appears to move around the wall (right of photo) and through the doorway into the chapel on his handheld digital video camera. When he asked for a repeat appearance he caught another light anomaly, this time a streak of light came around the left side of the door. at either time no memberof the team had their torches on nor were they moving.
Another team reported seeing a row of four gravestones behind the chapel; they could describe them clearly as a single stone, then a double stone, behind which was a larger single stone then a tall stone. All of them had ivy growing on then and the fiest one had dark letter like shapes on it. As one member of that team reached out to move the ivy out of the way so they could read the inscription all the gravestones vanished. All that team report seeing the same things at the same time.
The following research into Penrhyn Old Hall, as with every other investigation, was done post investigation as I do not, am not allowed to by L-PIT, look into the histories of investigation locations until after the event.
The History of Penrhyn Old Hall
There is a possiblity that the last King of the Britons built a palace on this location in the 8th century and it is probable that the Romans used an ancient track way that past this spot on their way too and from their copper mines on the Great Orme. This is supported by the discoveries of Roam coins in 1873 and 1907. In 1549 Penrhyn was described as an ancient stone house, a 1575 map shows four churches in the area but only one manour house, Penrhyn, even though Gloddaeth hall and Bodysgallen Hall were in existence.
In Elizabethan times Plas Penrhyn was in a lonely rural district and occupied by a Roman Catholic Family named Pugh, Robert Pugh of Penrhyn was High Sheriff of Caernarvonshire in 1561. A priest officiated in the chapel in the grounds of the house: the chapel is believed to be the original St Mary's built in 1447. In 1900 the chapel was used as a stable. After being restored in 1926 the chapel was in use until the church in St David's Road was built in 1930.
In 1760 Penrhyn Hall was home to Dr. John Williams, Archbishop of York and Lord Keeper of the Great Seal of King James 1, and in the late 1800s to a family named Owen.
Architecturally the greater portion of the present building, the wing with the stepped gable end, was completed in 1422. The Elizabethan portion is shaped like the letter H, a central block containing the main entrance joining the two wings together. The entrance hall was partly cut out of solid rock which still forms part of the wall.
A Madonna cupboard with the inscription, "Heddwch, Llonyddwch, a Chymdogaeth Dda", (loosely Peace, Tranquillity and Good Neighbourliness), dating from the 18th century, stands in the hall.
After 1739 Penrhyn was an ordinary farmhouse. From 1850 until 1899 the farm was occupied by Mr Dan Phillips. Later it was occupied by Mr Booth-Jones until his death on the Lusitania in May 1915. Penrhyn Old Hall was then bought by Mr Carrington-Sellers who used it as a private house. The Hall has since seen service as an antque shop and museum, a hotel, a private house and tearooms.
A Penrhyn Legend
In the 16th century a Roman catholic conspiracy to put to death all the Protestants in Creuddyn, the local area, was foiled when a girl in service at Penrhyn discovered the plot and informed an employee of Gloddaeth Hall who raised the alarm. A 'Troop of Horse' surrounded Penrhyn but some conspirators escaped. Nearly a year later the priests invovled were captured trying to board a boat to Ireland from Holyhead. One of them was William Davis; he was hung, drawn and quartered in Beaumaris in 1593.
The legend says the Pugh's aquired his and and concealed it in a hole behind the house. After the Pugh's had departed the house an old trunk was discovered. it was opened to reveal a withered hand supposedly belonging to the priest William Davis. The stone, dated 1590, above the large fireplace in the Tudor Bar commemorates his stay here. The fireplace aslo hides a priest hole. William Davis was beatified by the Pope in 1990.
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